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Home owner IQ test 2
Home owners quiz 2

Check your know-how on various homeownership related matters. See how many questions you can answer correctly. (The answers are listed at the end.)

True or False?
1. Gutters should be hung as level as possible.
2. Flat roofs are more prone to leakage than other roofs.
3. When purchasing an A/C system, a larger capacity than required is advisable.
4. Grout and caulk are pretty much interchangeable when used in a bathroom.
5. A slight gap around three sides of an exterior door (without a storm door) can cause an energy loss equivalent to an opening the size of a brick.
6. A carpenter ant and a termite each have a sweet tooth.
7. Most basement water penetration problems are caused by underground springs.
8. A ton of A/C capacity generally will cool the average house.
9. Setting your heat thermostat at 72 degrees F will direct your furnace to deliver air to the room registers at a steady 72 degrees F.
10.) The ambient temperature in a room with an activated ceiling fan will be lower than a room without a fan.

Here are the answers:
1. False - gutters should be angled toward the roof's downspouts/drains to facilitate water flow.
2. True - flat roofs will leak unless they receive diligent inspection and maintenance.
3. False - a larger than required A/C will reach the thermostat setting before it has removed a reasonable amount of moisture from the air causing a "cave effect" (cold & damp).
4. False - caulk remains flexible after application and is designed for use around edges of bathtubs and shower stalls where movement may occur, while grout dries hard and is designed for use around rigid tiles.
5. True - it's amazing how much energy is lost to missing weather stripping.
6. False - termites prefer cellulose (wood, etc.) while carpenter ants enjoy their (your) sweets. They only gnaw out word for nesting purposes.
7. False - while springs are sometimes a problem, most water penetration problems are caused by roof and surface water that is not directed away from the foundation.
8. False - One ton is equivalent to approximately 12,000 BTUs; the average size house typically requires 30,000 to 42,000 BTUs of cooling capacity.
9. False - forced air furnaces deliver steady register temperatures in the 130-140 degrees F range. Heat pumps typically deliver hot air in the 90-100 degrees F range.
10. False - while the room may feel cool due to the movement of the air, the ambient temperature will actually be marginally higher due to the heat generated by the fan’s motor.

Remember, these tips are only general guidelines. Since each situation is different, contact a professional if you have questions about a specific issue. Improve your Homeowner IQ by subscribing to the complimentary HouseMaster Homeowner Electronic Newsletter. This monthly how-to newsletter is full of household information and maintenance tips. It pays to be informed. More home safety and maintenance information is available online at

This information is provided for general guidance purposes only. Neither HMA Franchise Systems, Inc. nor the local HouseMaster® franchise warrants its accuracy and assumes no liability related to its use. Contact the local franchise office and/or qualified specialists for advice pertinent to your specific house or circumstances.

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